Highlights of the past few days:
– Had my first post-op appointment with the surgeon.
– Ditched crutches completely.
– Not wearing leg brace while indoors
– Rode an exercise bike for 15 minutes

Nurse taking off my bandages on day 15. after ACL surgery.
Had my first post-op appointment
The post operation appointment went well. The only crappy part was waiting for 40 minutes past my appointment time. But it’s a busy place and I am happy a good doctor did my knee surgery – for free. So I can’t complain.
A nurse came to take the bandages off my leg. This whole time I thought I had stitches but apparently they were staples. I didn’t even know some doctors like to use staples.

Believe it or not they didn’t hurt at all when taking them out. 11 staples total.
They didn’t hurt at all but it was weird seeing metal sticking out of my leg. The nurse grabbed special scissors and popped the 11 staples out. It didn’t hurt at all so I was happy. Looks nasty though.

My leg is healing up nicely. Should have a few cool scars.
Not wearing leg brace while indoors
My doctor told me I can take off my leg brace when indoors and if I am walking short distances. He wants me to rehab aggressively and is fine with me putting my weight on the injured leg.
That came as a relief because I was worried that I might be pushing myself too far. Hearing him say that I can put weight on my operated leg and that I can walk around without my brace, that was re-assuring.
After walking around for a day without my leg brace I am beginning to feel a bit more confident with my walk. Also there is a bit of increase in pain. That’s to be expected. If I am walking more I will feel aches more often. At least at first.
Rode an exercise bike for the first time since surgery
The range of motion in my knee is getting better. I can bend it enough to pedal a bike. This morning I decided to go to the gym and do a little biking.
I dropped my girlfriend off at work and at around 7am I was in the gym and on the exercise bike. I wanted to start my day off with a good momentum.
The exercise bike was pretty fun. Way more fun than doing my regular rehab exercises.
After the biking I tried some pull ups and dips and my shoulders were killing me. Probably because I haven’t exercised properly in 16 days. It’s to be expected.
I did a few upper body exercises and grabbed a mat and did my knee rehab exercises.
Then I came home and wrote this blog post. I hope you enjoyed it. I am going to ice my knee and do my personal training and boot camp work next.
Today is my first day back at boot-camp. I am nervous and excited. It’s going to be a fun workout. (I won’t be doing much obviously) but I can stand and give verbal ques. I’m sure I can adapt.
Ok that’s it for now. If you have any questions or comments please post them below. Take care.