In this post I will talk about how I’ve used caffeine pills to increase my energy and productivity while at the same time avoiding dependency and crashes.
If you just want to buy the brand I recommend from amazon click here
Why Caffeine Pills and Not Coffee
Regular coffee is great too. If you like to drink coffee then do your thing.
A few years ago I didn’t like the taste of coffee so I would buy these bottles of caffeine pills.
Caffeine is amazing for increasing your energy and mental alertness. It is a GREAT pre-workout supplement. I like to take it 60 minutes before training. You will greatly enhance your energy and endurance.
Each 200mg pill equals 1 strong cup of coffee (200mg caffeine)
How Much Caffeine to Take
You have to be careful with caffeine. It is an amazing and powerful supplement but if you take too much you will burn yourself out.
Here’s how I do it: I take the pill and break it in half. AllMax caffeine pills are simply the best because of their quality (pharma grade) and the fact that you can evenly split a single tablet with your hands (very important).
So I take half of a tablet (100mg) 3-4x per day. That equates to 1.5-2 strong cups of coffee per day. Which really isn’t that much.
Taking half of a pill is good because it allows you to have a nice steady stream of energy throughout the day. You can take one in the morning, one at lunch, and one before dinner (if you have work or practice at 6pm or later).

I split my tablets in half with my hands. Super easy.
Negative Side Effects of Caffeine
Don’t go crazy and think that more is better. More is not better.
If your body gets used to taking a lot (ex. 2 full pills at a time) then you will need more and more to feel the effects.
That’s why I stick with half a pill, 3x per day.
Every once in a while if I am sick or if I don’t need them I won’t take the caffeine pills.
Because I only take half of a pill at a time I don’t feel shitty when I stop.
If you take too much (4 or more pills or cups of coffee per day) your body will require a high amount to function normally. Don’t do this.
Stick to the half of the pills and take them throughout the day for nice smooth balanced energy all day.
Main Points
– Caffeine is an amazing supplement that will increase energy, focus, and endurance.
– Buy ALLMAX NUTRITION CAFFEINEbecause it’s pharma grade and you can split the tablets in half
– Take half a tablet (100mg) 3-4x per day as needed for a nice smooth energy.
Please let me know if you have any questions I would be happy to answer you. Leave it in the comments below please.